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23. August 1966: Die Erde wird erstmalig vom Mond aus fotografiert

Genau vor 45 Jahren, am 23. August 1966, fotografierte der NASA ihr Lunar Orbiter 1 vom Mond aus die Erde. Das obige Bild entspricht nicht ganz dem Original, wie es unten zu sehen ist, sondern wurde nachträglich auf „schön“ poliert, was ja wohl auch geklappt hat. So schön!

„Thankfully, the last-minute photo-op went off without a hitch, and the image was used by NASA as a poster to help promote the project. While taking a picture may not seem like a big deal, keep in mind that this was 1966 and the craft exposed, developed, scanned, and transmitted these images while exposed to the harsh environment of space. With all that in mind, and the successes and trials of the U.S. space program that would come after, the story behind the image may be as profound as the picture itself.“

(via Geekosystem)

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