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Bewaffnet mit einer Vision und vollen Spraydosen: Let The Arts Roam

Eine wirklich fantastisch in Szene gesetztes Portrait über die aus LA stammenden Street Artists El Mac und Retna, die in leeren Häuserwänden nichts anderes als eine Leinwand sehen, die es zu bemalen gilt.

El Mac and Retna are street artists, born in LA. They use building walls as blank canvases for their imagery, and the duo has collaborated to create murals all over the world. El Mac and Renta have very different styles, and have been collaborating the last few years. They combine their artistic forces in a specific way: El Mac creates huge lifelike portraits and Retna, calligraphic brushwork and decoration. The result is striking imagery that is unique and recognizable as theirs. It’s not uncommon for street art fans and documentarians to gather to watch the progression of an El Mac and Retna work in progress.


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