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Doku: The Chemical Generation

Englische Doku von 2001, die sich mit der Techno-Kultur und den chemischen Drogen in selbiger während der Neunziger auseinandersetzt. Grottenschlechte Qualität, aber der Ton reicht aus, um zu verstehen, worum es da ging.

This documentary covers the acid house, rave and club culture revolution and also the generations favourite chemical – ecstasy. Broadcasted in the United Kingdom on Channel 4, on the 4th April 2001. It covers the huge changes in the UK’s culture as a result with a changes in attitude towards racism and homosexuality and our „stiff upper lip“ culture. Presented by Boy George he starts off and features interviews with Dave Haslam, Matthew Collin, Tony Wilson, Mike Pickering, Lisa Loud, Nicky Holloway, Danny Rampling, Paul Oakenfold, Wayne Anthony, Irvine Welsh, the dealers, ravers and clubbers themselves and others.

(Direkt: Druging Island)

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