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Ein geretteter Seehund kuschelt mit einem Seehund-Plüschtier

Im Okhotsk Tokkari Center, Hokkaido Japan, haben sie einen ohrlosen Seehund aufgenommen, um diesen aufzupäppeln. Dafür gaben sie jenem Seehund eine Plüschvariante seiner Art. Und irgendwie mochten die beiden sich wohl. So zwischenseehundisch.

“Tokkari” is the Ainu word for “azarashi” (earless seal), and as the center’s name would imply, this facility specializes in sheltering and conservation of earless seals. Visitors can observe the natural ecology of these graceful seals, and even take part in close-up interactive activities. All the while, the center serves as a conservation facility, treating earless seals that have been injured or caught in fishing nets, and returning them home to the ocean. The Okhotsk Tokkari Center holds and extremely important role as Japan’s one and only marine animal conservation facility.

(Fotos: @mombetsu_land, via BoingBoing)

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