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Kurzdoku über Jamaikas vergessene Plattenindustrie: Pressing Matters in Jamaica

Die Leute von Vinyl Factory waren im letzten Jahr auf Jamaika, um sich dort ein Bild über das zu machen, was von der einst lebhaften Vinyl-Kultur übrig geblieben ist.

In the film, British journalist Vivien Goldman takes us through all the iconic record shops like Randy’s and Rockers International, pressing plants and speaks to local DJ’s and musicians on how a culture so rooted in records has found itself in helpless decline.

“Jamaica had so many studios, outstanding studios, pressing plants, small producers and big producers, who were able to capture this whole spirit of the people in the grooves of these records,” explains Herbie Miller. “This is the industry is the biggest calling card for this country.”

(Direktlink, via FACT)

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