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Mann kauft im Supermarkt Eistee-Dose und findet darin Marihuana

Bildschirmfoto 2015-12-04 um 13.29.56

Keanu Netzlers Freundin ist in Salt Lake City in einen Supermarkt gegangen, um Lebensmittel zu kaufen. Unter anderem eine Dose Eistee. Als Netzler diese öffnen wollte, merkte er, dass damit irgendwas nicht stimmte. Also schnippelte er die Dose auf und fand darin einen Becher – gefüllt mit 3 Unzen Marihuana, was etwa 85 Gramm entsprechen dürfte. Netzler schaltete die Polizei ein.

Keanu Netzler said his girlfriend bought groceries at a Wal-Mart in Salt Lake City and came home with some Arizona Iced Tea. When Netzler tried to open the drink, something was wrong. It wouldn’t open like normal, so he started to investigate.

„I started cutting around the top,“ Netzler said.

Inside it, he found a cement jar with the marijuana. He immediately asked his girlfriend where she bought the drink.

„I ran to her room, banged on her door and was like, ‚Where did you get this can?'“ Netzler said.

She insisted she bought the drink at Wal-Mart. Netzler decided to call police.

(via Arbroath)

Ein Kommentar

  1. bewitchedmind5. Dezember 2015 at 01:51


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