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Pixelschieben analog: Six-Forty by Four-Eighty

Das, was Jamie Zigelbaum und Marcelo Coelho dort entwickelt haben ist eine Mischung aus einem ein zweidimensionalen Rubik’s Cube und einer analogen Pixelschieberei. Ich weiß nicht genau, wozu genau das gedacht ist, aber das frage ich mich immer, wenn es um Kunst geht. Auf jeden Fall könnte das verdammt viel Spaß machen. Auch oder besser gerade weil es so bunt leuchtet.

Six-Forty by Four-Eighty is an interactive lighting installation designed to reveal the materiality of computation by recontextualizing the common pixel.

The pixel is a single point of light, a bit of pure information. In the computer age, pixels are used in groups to represent dynamic visual information. They are strangers that exist in our living spaces, but out of reach from our physical bodies. Six-Forty by Four-Eighty is our attempt to change that.

The installation is composed of two hundred and twenty magnetic pixel-tiles in a darkened room. Each pixel is to be touched, moved, and modified. At the start of the day the pixel-tiles are packed together as a display and by the end of the day they will have migrated across the walls in the room.

By transposing the pixel from the confines of the screen and into the physical world, focus is drawn to the materiality of computation itself and new forms for design emerge.

(Direktlink, via Core77

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