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Tattoo Sound Controller

Klanglich ist dieses Teil eher etwas für eine avantgardistische Soundperformance, vor der jede Menge Kunstinteressierte ganz kunstinteressiert gucken und lauschen, dass das aber so funktioniert ist schon irgendwie ziemlich geil. Der Körper als Teil eines Synthesizers.

this is a special instrument that combines human body and robotic system into a single entity that is designed to automate creative process in an attempt to represent the artist and his instrument as a creative hybrid. The device consists of a railing with comfortable hand holders and two parallel, but offset from each other black lines‘ sensors that move along the arm using a stepper motor. It is equipped with a 3-dimensional Wii remote controller that uses the OSC protocol in order to give a possibility of additional expression achieved by moving hand in space.

(Direktlink, via Devour)

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