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Kategorie: Nur mal so

Eine verlassene Kirche in der Form eines Huhns in den Wäldern Indonesiens

Was es nicht alles so gibt! So wie diese Kirche in den Wäldern Indonesiens in der Form eines Huhns.

Towering above the trees in a densely forested area of Indonesia lies a giant chicken. The gigantic structure has the body, tail, and head of the bird, even holding open its beak in what appears to be mid-squawk. Although the very old bird is quickly decaying, Gereja Ayam (as the locals call it) attracts hundreds of photographers and travelers to its location in Magelang, Central Java each year who are looking to explore the bird’s bizarre interior.

The building was originally built as a prayer house by 67-year-old Daniel Alamsjah after he received a divine message from God. Although he intended the building to resemble a dove, the locals care more that it looks like a chicken, nicknaming it “Chicken Church.” In addition to a prayer house, Alamsjah also used the building as a rehabilitation center, treating disabled children, drug addicts, and others. Alamsjah was forced to shut the center’s doors fifteen years ago after steep construction costs.

(Direktlink, via Colossal)

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Die Ghostbusters-Karre „Ecto-1“ als Fan-Nachbau

Der Brite Paul Harborne hat sich einen 1960er Cadillac Miller-Meteor gekauft und auf Basis dieser Kiste einen Ecto-1 gebastelt. Nicht ganz billig, aber ein Ghotsbuster muss tun, was ein Ghostbuster tun muss. Vielleicht hat ja Aldi auch was gesponsert, könnte man bei den Fotos fast meinen.

Die Anzüge gab’s umsonst.

Paul Harborne, from Sedgley, West Midlands, bought a rare 1960 Cadillac miller-meteor in 2010 and estimates he’s spent more than £100,000 doing it up to create the iconic car over the last five years.

Combining his love for classic cars and the cult film, Paul spent three years painstakingly renovating the car – turning it into the ultimate Ecto-1 replica.

And Paul, 53, certainly attracts some interesting reactions when he’s driving his Ghostbusters car around town.

(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)

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