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Schlagwort: Ambulance

Rettungswagen mit offener Hecktür

Neulich im polnischen Wrocław. Ein Glück, dass dabei kein Patient auf der Liege lag…

„So I was driving in Wroclaw and then I heard an ambulance approaching from the back. I pulled over to the left and then as they were passing over my car I saw open back doors through which the bed slide out. I do use my dashcam to record all my driving just in case of an accident.“


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Sanitäter bringen Patientin auf dem Weg zum Hospiz ein letztes Mal an den Strand

(Foto: Queensland Ambulance Service)

Danielle und Graeme vom Queensland Ambulance Service hatten die Aufgabe, eine alte Patientin aus dem Krankenhaus ins Hospiz zu fahren. Auf dem Weg dorthin erwähnte diese, wie gerne sie noch einmal das Meer sehen würde. Danielle und Graeme machten darauf hin einen Umweg und brachten die Patientin, vermutlich ein letztes Mal, an den Strand von Hervey Bay.

This story told to us by Helen Donaldson the Officer in charge of Hervey Bay is too good not to share.

A crew were transporting a patient to the palliative care unit of the local Hospital and the patient expressed that she just wished she could be at the beach again.Above and beyond,the crew took a small diversion to the awesome beach at Hervey Bay to give the patient this opportunity – tears were shed and the patient felt very happy.
Sometimes it is not the drugs/training/skills – sometimes all you need is empathy to make a difference!

Great work Hervey Bay team Danielle & Graeme the Service is very proud of you.

(via Netaroma)

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