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Schlagwort: Animalos

Wie sich die Tiere um Tschernobyl ihr eigentlich natürliches Habitat zurückholen

Lange Doku, die ihren Fokus auf all die Tiere legt, die sich in den letzten 30+ Jahren ihre eigentlich natürlichen Lebensräume um und in Tschernobyl zurück erobern.

This is Chernobyl, deserted by people after the worst nuclear disaster in history and now reclaimed by a remarkable collection of wildlife and the descendents of pets that were left in the city when the people went away.
This film unmasks the surprising faces of the new inhabitants. In houses where people once lived and laughed, unexpected wildlife is making itself at home. The adventures of a likeable cast of non-human characters give viewers a rare glimpse into an alternative world. Here wild animals face challenges in an environment totally outside their experience, while once-domestic species must rediscover their wild natures within.

Where is this place of abandonment and sanctuary? The location is well known and draws a cloud of uncertainty over the future for these animal characters.


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