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Schlagwort: Cacti

Kakteenblüte im Zeitraffer: Freaky Flowers

Schön pyschedelisch daherkommende Zeitrafferaufnahmen von verschiedenen Kakteen während ihrer Blütephasen.

The cacti shown in this video come from my collection. The evening when it looks like a plant’s flowers are about to bloom, I bring it indoors to image. Most of the clips in this montage show approximately 8 hours of change as the flowers open and bloom. A little more than halfway through the montage, there’s a series of three clips showing different views of a 24-hour period in the life of a yellow-flowered ‚Daydream‘ plant. Six flowers that opened the night before I started filming wilt to nothingness and another 4 flowers grow dramatically and then open. This series of ‚Daydream‘ clips is followed by another three showing other types of flowers wilting. These additional wilting clips are also taken over a daylong period.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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