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Schlagwort: Chill-Hop

Ein Spaziergang durch Florenz zu LoFi und Chill-Hop: Outro 56: Saito | Florence at Night

Neuer Outro Podcast, der uns in dieser Episode auf einen Spaziergang mit durchs nächtliche Florenz nimmt. Einer Stadt, die ich ganz unbedingt auch mal besuchen will. Dazu gibt es LoFi, Chill-Hop und Boombap von Saito. Passt sehr gut zusammen.

Saito is a beatmaker from ’93 with boombap, chill-hop and lo-fi influences. He discovered hip hop at the age of 12 and fell in love with since the very first listening. At age 19, he started making his first beats inspired by the legendary Japanese producer and DJ Nujabes. The first beats had ambient tones but kept hip hop roots. By deepening his beatmaking knowledge, he began to get more and more into boombap and lo-fi sounds.


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