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Schlagwort: Coconut

Ein Video-Portrait über philippinische Kokosnuss-Bauern

Davon wissen wir ja hier nur wenig. Aber irgendwie kommen die Flocken in die Tüte und die Milch in die Dosen. So geht das los. Zumindest bei den Kokosnuss-Bauern auf Kapuluan.

„Filmmaker Danny Cooke’s short documentary, Kinabuhi, is a beautiful portrait of a group of Filipino coconut farmers whose livelihood is in doubt. Plenty of gorgeous shots in this short documentary to draw you right in. I was immediately struck by how dangerous these farmers jobs are, and there is just something so satisfying about watching people with a mastery of very specific skills. The man in the image above is casually climbing a tree cutting little footholds as he goes.“

(Direktlink, via Booooooom)

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