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Schlagwort: Crib

Ein Gitterbett wird zum U-Boot-Gitterbett

Imgurian radamshome hat aus einem ganz normalen Gitterbett in 90 Arbeitsstunden dieses hübsche U-Boot-Gitterbett gebaut und will es für Charity-Zwecke versteigern. Mit Nachtmodus!

I was asked to build this by Fatherly.com, after they saw the tree I built in my daughter’s bedroom.

I used my own garage workshop and had help from a buddy who taught me the basics of fiberglass.

Here’s the finished product after about 90 hours and $1,250.00 in materials.

I plan to auction this to raise money for Seattle Children’s Hospital later this year.

Hier der bebilderte Entstehungsprozess:

(via BoingBoing)

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