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Schlagwort: Dall-E


Interessante Arbeit von danielmck.33, der dafür echte geleakte Passwörter durch die Text-zu-Bild KI DALL·E 2 geschickt hat.

“Password123” visualizes real passwords that have been leaked on the dark web over the past decade from some of the most notorious data breaches, including those of Facebook in 2021 and Collection #1 in 2019. Each password was run unedited, and without additional guidance, through the text-to-image ai DALL-E 2.

The film offers a rare glimpse into user habits and highlights keyboard patterns from as simple as “QWERTY” to as complex as “OBAFGKM” — a stellar classification system for astronomers. The names of loved ones, pets, memorable dates, sports teams, and places were among the most common, while random strings of letters and numbers turned out to be serial codes written on the side of mass-produced office printers.

(Direktlink, via Nag on the Lake)

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