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Schlagwort: Guatemala

Durch Fahrräder angetriebene Maschinen

Maya Pedal ist eine in Guatemala ansässige NGO, die es sich zum Ziel gemacht hat, aus alten Fahrrädern alle möglichen Maschinen zu bauen, die dann durch Muskelkraft angetrieben werden. Frei von Strom und je nach Aufgabe der Maschinen mit jeder Menge Fitness-Potenzial.

Mario Juarez, Director of Maya Pedal, says that the NGO’s mission is simple: the organization seeks to provide solutions — whether it’s related to transportation and hauling or making time-consuming labor easier — for Guatemalan families, as well as families all over the world. Juarez says that the ingenuity behind the bicimáquinas arose from the need of the people in his community — some needed more efficient ways to complete tasks such as washing their clothes and preparing different types of foods and Maya Pedal stepped up to the challenge.



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Ausbruch des Volcán de Fuego

Der Volcán de Fuego ist einer der aktivsten Vulkane Guatemalas, wobei große Ausbrüche eher selten, aber dann auch gefährlich sind. Diese Aufnahmen hier zeigen einer der Ausbrüche aus der Nähe und sehen ziemlich spektakulär aus. Natural pyro.

This was taken late evening on Volcán de Fuego in Antigua, Guatemala while on an overnight hike with a guide service. We were allegedly about 200 meters from the top (according to the guides). Rocks from this explosion fell around and behind us. The lava fell about 50 feet from us in places. I was near the back of the group as you can see in the video. I did not realize it at first, but everyone behind me and all the guides took off running. We did not realize how dangerous a position we were in until afterward.


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