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Schlagwort: Kinetic Sculptures

Eine kinetische Installation, bei der Wassertropfen für Licht sorgen

Sander Hagelaar hat mit seiner Installation “Fluid Current” ein Gebilde geschaffen, auf dem Wassertropfen für energetischen Fluß sorgen und so kleine Leuchten zum glühen bringen.

The artist and designer explores his practice of challenging conventional notions and reimagining materials, harnessing here elements and movements encompassed within the natural world. With Fluid Current, water, typically considered incompatible with electricity, becomes an integral part of the electric circuit as droplets fall along polished aluminum strips before activating a luminous blue bulb upon impact.

(Direktlink, via Designboom)

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Animaris Rex

Neue kinetische Strandlauffigur von Theo Jansen. Schon geil, womit manche Menschen so ihre Zeit verbringen.

Since the beginning of this summer I have been trying to connect several running units (Ordissen) in succession. Animaris Rex is a herd of beach animals whose specimens hold each other as defense against storms. As individuals they would simply blow over, but as a group the chance of surviving a storm would be greater. It is 18 meters long (5 meters longer than the largest Tyrannosaurus Rex found.)


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