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Schlagwort: Laura Palmer

Laura Palmers Haus steht zum Verkauf

Das Dingen steht in Everett, Washington, und kann für 550000 Dollar den Besitzer wechseln. Wer die also übrig hat, bitte schön. Hier Fotos der Hütte.

The 4 bedroom and 1.5 baths residence in Everett, WA that was once the fictional home of the Palmers is now for sale. Located at 708 33rd St, Everett, WA, the house was used for its interiors in the David Lynch-directed Twin Peaks pilot and for both interior and exterior scenes in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. The living room, the dining room, the kitchen, Laura Palmer’s bedroom,… All there and fairly recognizable.

(via FACT)

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