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Schlagwort: Madmoiselle

Mix: Cuddle Cast # 16 – Madmoiselle

Eine ganz herrlich bummelige Angelegenheit, die Madmoiselle da für den Cuddle Cast zusammengeschraubt hat. Eigentlich Musik, die für eine morgendliche Kuschelrunde im Bett gedacht ist, die aber hier heute bei schönstem Sonnenschein auch ganz wunderbar auf dem Fahrrad funktioniert. Der Winter ist vorbei.

We all know this moment – you are lying in bed with a loved one and the world stands still.

You put on some music to set the scene for rising temperatures under the sheets…

The set you put on suddenly brings you out of rhythm, but getting up to skip the track is no longer an option.

We have been scouting for the perfect Sunday morning sets for quite a while already and while „Eigentlich heissen wir Klaus“ & „Mattmosphere“ have been steady suppliers of them for us, we also developed the idea of asking befriended artists to record one hour of music, to which they like to stay in bed with a loved one.

It’s an intimate ask, but most of them said yes.

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