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Schlagwort: Taiwan

Auto gerät in Tornado

Vor zwei Jahren in Taiwan: ein kleinerer Tornado fegt über eine Straße hinweg und reißt die komplette Szenerie samt Kleinwagen mit sich. Ach. Du. Scheiße!

Terrifying dashcam footage captures the moment that several pedestrians and vehicles are swept into a powerful tornado. These tornadoes were a part of Typhoon Soudelor. The woman left sitting on the road was seriously injured by the tornado while the others involved suffered only minor injuries. Dashcam was not configured properly, hence the incorrect display date.

(Direktlink, via Likecool)

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Die neusten Mitglieder der Sprengstoffspürhundstaffel in Taiwan

Six new ‚officers‘ have been hired to commence their training to become part of NPA’s K9-Bomb Unit. All six officers were born on the 9th of May, and are named Lucky Star, Schumann, Feida, Brother, AJ and Full Moon.

„We hope that in the future the puppies can be like their mother Yellow, that they can pass through training successfully and enter the police force,“ the NPA said in a post on Facebook.

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Eis am Stiel aus Abwasser

Ohne Aroma, dafür mit all dem Dreck, den der Mensch so ins Wasser bekommt. Drei Studenten an der National Taiwan University of Arts, sammelten Abwasser in ganz Taiwan und machten daraus quasi Eis am Stiel für ihr Projekt mit dem Titel „Polluted Water Popsicles„.

Hung and her teammates visited 100 locations across Taiwan to collect waste. They then placed the samples—complete with dirt, bugs, and trash—into a freezer, turning them into popsicles. In order to preserve them, they encased the popsicles in a polyester resin.

Hung tells Quartz she hopes the project will raise awareness about water pollution. Her team chose to use popsicles as a motif because they are translucent and because popsicles typically look appealing to the eye. “Such pretty popsicles, would you still want to eat them?” she asks.

(Direktlink, via René)

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