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Schlagwort: Traffic jam

Hacker schaffen Verkehrschaos, indem sie Hunderte Taxis in Moskau an dieselbe Adresse schicken

In Moskau sorgten vermutlich ein paar Hacker für ein schönes Verkehrschaos, indem sie hunderte Taxis des russischen Unternehmen Yandex Taxi zur gleichen Zeit an die selbe Adresse orderten.

Dozens of drivers working for Yandex Taxi in Moscow likely had a frustrating day. Hackers breached the app, sending dozens of cars to the exact location, forming a traffic jam that lasted up to three hours.

Reports on Twitter claim that cars were sent to the Kutuzovsky Prospekt, a major avenue in Moscow. One of the best-known objects in the area is the Stalinist-era building, the ‚Hotel Ukraina‘ or Hotel Ukraine.

Yandex Taxi is owned by Russia’s largest IT corporation Yandex, often dubbed the Russian Google. EU has sanctioned the company’s co-founder Arkady Volozh, claiming his search engine is „de-ranking and removing content critical of the Kremlin, such as content related to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.“

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