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Consumed – Essen alle. Und dann?

Sehr düstere aber dennoch sehr gelungene Animationsarbeit von Andreas Wannerstedt, die beleuchtet, was passieren könnte wenn uns das Essen ausgeht. Keine sonderlich optimistische Version der Zukunft, aber hoffentlich bleibt es bei der hier gezeichneten Fiktion.

Dazu den Sound von Hecq. Hätte man kaum besser wählen können.

„Consumed“ is another self-initiated personal project that I’ve written, designed and animated.
It’s a 3D short film about a not so distant future, where extreme overpopulation has become a global crises. The population growth has reached a critical tipping point and there’s food and water shortages all around the world. The story revolves around a „Food Replicator“, or a so called molecular assembler, a device that can rearrange subatomic particles and guide chemical reactions with atomic precision. In an attempt to prevent mass starvation, this device is used to synthesize nutritions with the ability to self-replicate. But during the initial tests something goes wrong and out-of-control self-replicating compounds starts to spread, consuming all matter while building more copies of them selves.


Ein Kommentar

  1. pedar5. Dezember 2012 at 17:12

    nice. wer kennt das gebäude?

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