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Das Kraftfuttermischwerk Beiträge

Eine 1994 aufgegebene McDonald’s Filiale in Alaska

Der Urbexer Chris Luckhardt hat in Alaska auf Adak Island eine alte Militärbasis besucht und dort eine 1994 verlassene McDonald’s Filiale vorgefunden, in der die Zeit stehengeblieben zu sein scheint. Inklusive der damaligen Preise für Burger und co.

I flew to Adak Island – a remote Alaskan island in the north Pacific Ocean – to explore its abandoned US military base. Surprisingly, the base included a McDonald’s that opened in July 1986. But the restaurant was closed in 1994 as the Navy gradually decommissioned the base. Its original menu sign and other aspects of the building remain frozen in time.

More than 6000 people lived on the base at its peak in the 1980s. However, the base closed in March 1997, and most buildings were abandoned. Now, Adak Island has only 33 permanent residents.


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Virtueller Ambient Garten

Ambient.garden lässt uns im Browser durch einen Park schlendern, in dem es an Bäumen und Sträuchern ambiente Soundscapes „zu pflücken“ gibt. Ich bin mal eben spazieren.

ambient.garden is an experiment that started with the question: can a composition be organized in space rather than time? Can it be experienced in space by the listener? To explore this concept, all the sounds and graphics were entirely generated from open source code. The sounds of ambient.garden were assembled and grown into a music album, A Walk Through the Ambient Garden, also open source.

(via Zwentner)

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Doku: Berlin Utopiekadaver

Sehenswerte Doku in der ZDF Mediathek. Der Traum vom autonomen Leben jenseits kapitalistischer Strukturen: Was ist übrig davon nach den Räumungen der vergangenen Jahre in Berlin? Autor und Regisseur Johannes Blume liefert mit dem Dokumentarfilm „Berlin Utopiekadaver“ eine unkommentierte Innenansicht der linken Besetzer-Szene.

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Nowhere Else, a love letter to skateboarding in Austin

Oh, wie schön die Rollen rattern.

Nowhere Else is a short, visual love letter to skateboarding, filmed in Austin, Texas. We made this out of passion for what we do and tried to capture the feeling of what it’s like to skate by yourself through a city you love. It’s not necessarily about how gnarly the tricks are, but where you do them and how it makes you feel. Pushing through busy streets or desolate alleys, or ending up behind grungy grocery stores. It’s the experience that every skateboarder knows and holds dear to their heart.

(Direktlink, via The Kid Should See This)

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KI-Schreibmaschine „Ghostwriter“

Der Designer Arvind Sanjeev hat mit „Ghostwriter“ eine smart benannte Antwortmaschine entworfen, die auf Basis einer modifizierten alten Brother-Schreibmaschine das Sprachmodell ChatGPT von Open AI verwendet, um von Benutzern manuell eingegebene Anfragen zu beantworten. Tradition trifft auf Moderne.

The Ghostwriter is a poetic intervention that allows us to take a moment to breathe and reflect on this new creative relationship we are forming with machines. It tries to alleviate anxiousness around AI by inviting people to co-create with it in a safe space. Thus helping them think, reflect, inspire and create fresh perspectives on this new tool. As Garry Kasparov (the first chess champion who an AI beat) puts it, human-machine centaurs are far more powerful than an individual human or a machine on their own. By interacting with Ghostwriter, creatives understand that true power is unleashed only when a human combines their emotional intellect with the computational brute force of an AI.

(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)

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