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KI-Schreibmaschine „Ghostwriter“

Der Designer Arvind Sanjeev hat mit „Ghostwriter“ eine smart benannte Antwortmaschine entworfen, die auf Basis einer modifizierten alten Brother-Schreibmaschine das Sprachmodell ChatGPT von Open AI verwendet, um von Benutzern manuell eingegebene Anfragen zu beantworten. Tradition trifft auf Moderne.

The Ghostwriter is a poetic intervention that allows us to take a moment to breathe and reflect on this new creative relationship we are forming with machines. It tries to alleviate anxiousness around AI by inviting people to co-create with it in a safe space. Thus helping them think, reflect, inspire and create fresh perspectives on this new tool. As Garry Kasparov (the first chess champion who an AI beat) puts it, human-machine centaurs are far more powerful than an individual human or a machine on their own. By interacting with Ghostwriter, creatives understand that true power is unleashed only when a human combines their emotional intellect with the computational brute force of an AI.

(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)

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