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Doku: The Alchemists of Sound

Dokumentation über die Arbeit des BBC Radiophonic Workshops von 2003. Soundfreaks, diese Tüpen.

The BBC Radiophonic Workshop, one of the sound effects units of the BBC, was created in 1958 to produce effects and new music for radio, and was closed in March 1998, although much of its traditional work had already been outsourced by 1995. It was based in the BBC’s Maida Vale Studios in Delaware Road, London, W9, UK growing outwards from the then-legendary Room 13. The innovative music and techniques used by the Workshop has made it one of the most significant influences on electronic music today.


(Direktlinks: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6, via MetaFilter)

Noch einen Bonus dazu: Delia Derbyshire, die in den 60ern für den BBC Radiophonic Workshops arbeitete, hat schon während dieser Zeit elektronische Musik produziert. Wie das klang? Ein wenig so wie Aphix Twin oder Autechre es dann in den 90ern taten.
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