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Ein Straßenmusiker spielt jonglierend Schlagzeug

Und dürfte damit das Internet für diese Woche gewinnen. Ich habe so etwas bisher nicht gesehen und nicht mal darüber nachgedacht, ob das überhaupt möglich wäre. Ist es.

(Direktlink, via Likecool)

Aus den YT-Comments:

Juan Tomioka was born in Guadalajara, Mexico to Unkei Tomioka and Kiyomi Shunji. They left Hiroshima to open their textile business in Mexico when the Japanese Yen was trending to become significantly stronger than the Mexican peso. Their hope was to save on the cost of importation and to be closer to their primary consumers, U.S. customers.

Their dreams seemed to come true after they immigrated. Business was good, and all their plans and preparation were paying off. Then, an untimely trade agreement between the U.S. and Mexico coupled with an economic decline in Japan sent the family business into an unrecoverable pratfall.

The family lost not only their business but also their homes and most of their property. The family members took up any jobs they could to make money. Young Juan decided to use what he was already good at to help earn an income for the family. He was a drummer. He took to the streets and played for the public hoping that it would bring a little money.

There wasn’t much success in his talents. He knew he had to be more novel than a drummer. He paid attention to other street performers in the area to see how they were making their money. While talking to Julio Payaso, a juggling clown, he had an epiphany. He would combine the two talents, drumming and juggling, and become a successful street performer.

The rest, is history. Captured here in this video we see the results of his efforts. His parents have long since passed, but Juan still druggles (the combination of drumming and juggling).

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