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„Narcotics & Dangerous Drugs Identification Kit“ aus den 60ern

Dieser Koffer erinnert stark an den, den damals der junge Beamte immer mit in die Schule brachte um damit Präventionsarbeit im Bezug auf Drogen zu machen. Allerdings ist der hier viel umfangreicher und optisch auch schöner.

The Dangerous Drugs—Identification Kit contains harmless facsimiles of the more commonly abused dangerous drugs. The Kit was designed to be used primarily as an instructional aid in educational and training programs directed toward combating the existing narcotics and dangerous drugs problem. It consists of a plastic container which is transparent and durable. Plainly visible within the container are facsimiles of amphetamines and barbituates, reproduced with exacting fidelity in terms of color, size, shape, and other distinguising characteristics.

Ein Kommentar

  1. frank25. Juli 2011 at 16:28

    ik will den fear & loathing koffer *gg*

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