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Das Kraftfuttermischwerk Beiträge

Mix: Till von Sein – Feeling Flow

Till hat diesen, wie ich finde, ganz wunderbar emotionalen House-Mix für Feeling Flow aufgenommen und wenn ich die letzten Tage mal nicht im Studio saß, lief der hier in Heavy Rotation. Erinnert sehr eindringlich daran, dass da draußen gerade Frühling ist und gebärt Sehnsucht, barfuß auf einer saftigen Wiese zu tanzen.

The Feeling Flow mix series asks DJs to share a recording of a mix of tunes that gives a personal insight into their go to tracks for feeling good and getting into the flow during these difficult times brought on by the COVID-19. Your voluntary contribution will ensure local small scale farms stay operating and that their nutritious produce gets to the underprivileged.


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Eine Faultiermutter und ihr Baby

Oh mein Gott, an den ich nicht glaube, ist das niedlich! Awwwww!1!!!!!

Sloth give birth to only one baby at a time (per year or less) and the newborn clings onto its mother’s fur for a few months after birth. Their slow-moving habits along with their greenish color is an effective camouflage. Their fur appears greenish not because of pigmentation but thanks to the symbiotic relationship between green algae and their long and coarse fur.

(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)

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