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Schlagwort: Australia

Wasserfälle am Uluru, eine durch Regen aktivierte Klanglandschaft

Der Uluru-Kata Tjuta Nationalpark ist ein UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe im Red Centre, einem der trockensten Gebiete Australiens. Wenn es zwischen November und April regnet, verwandelt sich der eine halbe Milliarde Jahre alte rote Sandsteinmonolith. Wasser stürzt dann in tiefe Rillen und Spalten des Berges und bildet schimmernde temporäre Wasserfälle. Phil Selmes hat dieses Naturschauspiel mit Kameras festgehalten.

Experience the breathtaking rarity of rain at Uluru/Ayers Rock like never before, captured in stunning 4K UHD! Witness nature’s incredible transformation as the iconic red monolith comes alive under a rare rainfall. This captivating footage showcases the mesmerizing beauty and vibrant colors of Uluru as it’s drenched in rain, a spectacle few ever get to see. Our 4K UHD video brings you up close to this extraordinary event, revealing the hidden wonders and unique charm of one of Australia’s most famous landmarks.

(Direktlink, via The Kid Should See This)

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Australien plant Verbot von Social Media für Kinder

Die australische Regierung will Kindern und Jugendlichen den Zugang zu Sozialen Medien künftig erst ab einem Mindestalter von 14 bis 16 Jahren erlauben. Noch dieses Jahr solle ein entsprechendes Gesetz im Parlament in Australien eingebracht werden. Ob und wie sich das tatsächlich umsetzen ließe, ist bisher offen. In Deutschland liegen die Altersbeschränkungen für die meisten sozialen Netzwerke bei mindestens 13 Jahren. Interessieren tut das allerdings niemanden.

Australia is planning to ban children from using social media due to the “mental health consequences”.

The legislation will impose and enforce a minimum age to use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram by the end of the year.

Although the exact age has yet to be revealed by the government, it is likely to be between 14 and 16 with the Australian prime minister favouring the upper level in that age range.

Describing social media usage amongst children as a “scourge”, Prime Minister Antony Alabanese said he wanted them to have “real experiences with real people”. Australia is planning to ban children from using social media due to the “mental health consequences”.

The legislation will impose and enforce a minimum age to use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram by the end of the year.

Although the exact age has yet to be revealed by the government, it is likely to be between 14 and 16 with the Australian prime minister favouring the upper level in that age range.

Describing social media usage amongst children as a “scourge”, Prime Minister Antony Alabanese said he wanted them to have “real experiences with real people”.


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Tasmanien sucht Wombat-Wanderer

Vielleicht die beste Stellenauschreibung, die ihr die Woche lesen werdet. In Tasmanien suchen sie Menschen, die mit Wombats spazieren gehen und wer bitte kann das nicht wollen? Es darf nur nicht jeder, das Angebot ist nur jenen vorbehalten, die in Australien leben. Verdammt!

Coax them out of bed to get them moving; our wombats would sometimes rather have a sleep-in.

Encourage them with praise and pep talks, motivating them to complete their morning walks.

Guide and keep them on track; our wombats can be adventurous and sometimes wander off.

Ensure decorum and good behaviour. No chasing birds or distracting the other animals.

Keep them fuelled on the journey with their favourite snacks so they don’t get puffed out.

At this wildlife sanctuary, you get to have a closer interaction with a wombat than you would in the wild. After you leave East Coast Natureworld, ensure you keep a safe distance from your new mates.


(via BoingBoing)

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Mädchen schleudert Schlange, um Meerschweinchen zu retten

Da haben sich wohl einfach mal Instinkte durchgesetzt, auch wenn dem Meerschweinchen danach mindestens schwindlig gewesen sein könnte.

Twelve-year-old Rosie Wightman was peering in the bushes of her backyard when she noticed a large snake was about to eat her pet named MaxiBon.

That’s when Rosie grabbed the python and began swinging it around to loosen the snake’s grip on her guinea pig.

Her father says she was screaming the whole time during the terrifying encounter.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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