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Schlagwort: Dolls

Creepy Doll Adoption Agency

Sara und Brian nehmen mit ihrer Creepy Doll Adoption Agency gruselige Puppen zu sich und vermitteln die dann wieder an geneigte Neubesitzer. Und ich meine wirklich gruselige Puppen, von denen ich eigentlich keine im Haus haben mag.

He’s a bartender and she’s a school psychologist, but, on the side, they help haunted or otherwise creepy toys find new homes.

In this installment of SIDE HUSTLES, Sara and Brian take us behind the scenes of their business removing and rehoming creepy toys that are “with spirit” or just unsettling. Portland couple Sara and Brian try to keep up with what started on a lark but is quickly becoming a growing community of people and strange dolls.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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