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Schlagwort: Max Cooper

Video: Max Cooper – Perpetual Motion

Sehr schönes Video, das Nick Cobby für Max Coopers „Perpetual Motion“ gebastelt hat. Luftaufnahmen, gemischt mit allerhand Glitch. Und der Track geht sowieso klar.

„Max’s idea for Perpetual Motion was to document the continuous movement of people, exploring how there is no inherent meaning in life, only our own meaning which we create through striving towards our goals. When we discussed the idea of the film, Max and I felt Mexico City was the perfect place to use as a canvas. A sprawling metropolis of 9 million people, all packed in tight and some really interesting land forms and architecture. I then got the idea of using drones when scouting for locations on Google Earth. There were some amazing geometric forms that when viewed from above give an entirely different perspective of the city. I was really interested in the juxtaposition of these orderly forms with the irregular, disorderly chaos confined within it. For me it really helped push the idea of living as part of a perpetual system. I collaborated with 3 very talented Mexican photographers who shot some incredible footage for me, Manuel Marañón, Roberto H and Santiago Arau. It was a pleasure to collaborate with them and I hope the film can be shown in Mexico some time soon. For the animation side, I collaborated with Andy Lomas and Jessica In, integrating their forms frame by frame into the drone footage with my own point data, aiming to create unexpected transitions and connections between reality, hyper realism and the hidden systems beneath.“

(Direktlink, via Maik)

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Video: Max Cooper and Tom Hodge – Remnants

Was mir ja wirklich fehlt, wenn ich mal 2-3 Tage offline bin, ist gute Musik. Und so komme ich aus der Pampa nach Hause und mache mir was mit Melodie und mit Bass an. Da trifft es sich hervorragend, dass Nick Cobby dieses wunderschöne Video auf Max Coopers und Tom Hodges „Remnants“ gebastelt hat. Und es passt so wunderbar.

„This video is about the self-contained nature of mind and matter.

The physical processing of sounds by the brain leave remnants in its structure as it learns about the outside world. Eventually the universe and the platonic realm of laws and structures are perceived. But while the natural laws and their resulting universe seem to create and contain the mind, the mind ultimately contains them all.“


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Max Cooper – Seething

(Direktlink, via Swen)

Max Cooper hat für seine Nummer „Seething“ ein Video von Andy Lomas bekommen. Und der hat sich dabei richtig was gedacht.

The simulation work originates from Andy Lomas‘ study titled ‚cellular forms‘, which uses digital simulation of a simplified biological model of morphogenesis, with three-dimensional structures generated out of interconnected particles to represent cells.

Each form starts with a initial spherical cluster of cells which is incrementally developed over time by adding iterative layers of complexity to the structure. The aim is to create forms emergently: exploring generic similarities between many different shapes in nature rather than emulating any particular organism, revealing universal archetypal forms that can come from growth-like processes rather than top-down externally engineered design.

Cell division is controlled by accumulated nutrient levels. When the level in a cell exceeds a given threshold the cell divides, and various parameters control how both the parent and daughter cells re-connect to their immediate neighbours. New nutrient can be created by photons in cells hit by incident light rays. Nutrient can also be allowed to flow to adjacent cells. The simulation process is repeated over thousands of iterations and millions of particles, with each of the final structures comprising over fifty million cells.

00:04 — 04:41 : Nutrient created using omni-directional diffuse light
04:41 — 05:50 : Nutrient created using light from directly above growing forms
02:01 — 04:28 : Blue overlay indicates regions of new cellular division
02:34 — 03:09 : Magenta overlay indicates accumulated nutrient levels in each cell
03:09 — 03:39 : Red overlay indicates number of photons hitting each cell

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Max Cooper – Supine


Schönes Video von Tom Geraedts zu Max Coopers „Supine“, das im Original schon sommerlich strahlend daher kommt.

„Music video for Max cooper about the nature of complexity. And also the beauty that comes with increased complexity in our lives. Evolution has always been increasing detail, variation and resolution of life. This refinement of life is something truly miraculous.

The video has been shot through the reflecting light of countless mirrors.“

Einen ganzen Ticken geiler allerdings finde ich diesen Remix, den Rodriguez Jr. zu „Supine“ abgeliefert hat. Soundcloud hat den nur als Snippet, auf Youtube gibt es die Nummer komplett. Killer-Tune!


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Max Cooper / Tom Hodge – Fragments of Self

Bildschirmfoto 2013-11-13 um 13.25.26

Mir ist im Winter ja immer ganz besonders Piano und ich denke so, „Wir bräuchten viel mehr davon. Immer. Überall.“ Wenn es wärmer wird, verwächst sich das dann schnell wieder, aber so lange es kalt ist, mag ich das Piano sehr. Besonders auch dann, wenn Max Cooper da irgendwie seine Hände dran hat. Nicht umsonst hat er schon Nummern von Michael Nyman oder Nils Frahm remixen können. Für die EP „Fragments of Self“ hat er sich Unterstützung von Pianist Tom Hodge geholt, die Beats in den Glitch getrieben und alles mit viel Piano zu ganz viel hörbarer Liebe gemacht.

Die EP dazu kam auf Fields, das tolle Video dazu kommt von Nick Cobby.


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