Ryan Fuller, Privatsammler aus Kalifornien, hat Jahre damit verbracht alle je von Supreme angebotenen Skateboards zusammenzutragen. Das sind 248 Exemplare. Jetzt bietet er bei Sotheby’s diese komplette Kollektion an. Da dürften einige Supreme-Gläubige feuchte Fingerchen bekommen. Es wird ein Endgebot erwartet, das irgendwo bei 1 Million Dollar liegen könnte.
Now on view at Sotheby’s and open for bidding online, is the world’s first ever auction of every single Supreme skateboard deck released to the public. The private collection of Los Angeles-based collector Ryan Fuller is the first complete set of all boards spanning the brand’s history, and most likely the only opportunity to purchase the impressive entire back catalogue of decks. With art and skateboarding being Fuller’s two greatest passions, the decks felt like the ultimate items to collect from Supreme but the labor of love took over a decade to complete. Starting his collection in 2008, the hardest challenge was sourcing every deck released between ’98-’08 in good condition. Fuller’s quest connected him to collectors across the globe in countries as far afield as Japan, Australia, South Africa and the United Kingdom in order to track down each piece of this elaborate jigsaw puzzle. The set that was hardest to complete was New York artist Dan Colen’s 2003 ‘Air Jordan’ collection of five boards, as Fuller explains: “I had 4 of the 5 for years and was starting to feel like the last deck I needed from that set just didn’t exist anymore, when suddenly I received an email from a guy I had done business with for years, that he just happened to find it tucked away in his storage. I was on vacation in Hawaii at the time and receiving that email from him was definitely the highlight of my vacation!”
(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)