In Peru ist sauberes Wasser ein kostbares Gut, dass nicht überall ohne weiteres verfügbar ist. Abel Cruz Gutiérrez hat ein System entwickelt, mit dem er 200 bis 350 Liter Wasser am Tag aus dem Nebel holt. Great Big Story hat ihn besucht.
Millions of people in Peru lack access to safe water and sewage services. But Abel Cruz Gutiérrez has a solution. Gutiérrez, president of the “Peruvians Without Water” association, uses an ingenious system of “fog catchers” to make water accessible to residents of Lima’s low-income neighborhoods. The fog catchers resemble large rectangular sailboat sails, which are composed of nylon nets that trap microdroplets of water. The nets are set up along the foggy areas of coastal Peru and are connected to pipes, which collect the water for larger storage tanks. Residents can then use this water as irrigation for crops or to raise animals. And while the water isn’t currently drinkable, Gutiérrez is working on a solution to that as well.
(Direktlink, via swissmiss)
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