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Björk kommt ins MoMa

Und zwar ganz zu recht, wie ich finde. Das schafft auch mal wieder die Möglichkeit, das womöglich beste Musikvideo meiner Lebenszeit hier reinzukleben. Es ist schon viel zu lange her, das mal wieder getan zu haben. Denn „All is full of Love“. Zumindest sollte das so sein.


As previously announced, Björk’s Biophilia app will be the first project of its kind to be added to the permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art — and the museum is not stopping there.

MoMA’s Björk exhibition will draw from more than two decades of music, film, visuals, instruments, costumes, performance and more, presenting a narrative by the artist and Icelandic writer Sjón Sigurdsson that is combines the biographical and the fictional (naturally).

“Björk is an extraordinarily innovative artist whose contributions to contemporary music, video, film, fashion, and art have had a major impact on her generation worldwide,” said MoMA’s Klaus Biesenbach. “This highly experimental exhibition offers visitors a direct experience of her hugely collaborative body of work.”

The retrospective will also include a newly commissioned “immersive music and film experience” concevied by directer Andrew Huang and 3D design firm Autodesk. Presented solely at MoMA, the exhibition will be on view from March 7 to June 7, 2015.

Ein Kommentar

  1. Dan19. Juni 2014 at 22:03

    Und ich habe mich erst gefragt, seit wann im Morgenmagazin Musikvideos laufen.

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