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Ein durch KI generierter Song im Stile Depeche Modes

Andrea Fryer halt als langjähriger Fan von Depeche Mode die Audio-KI Udio gebeten, einen Song im Stil von Depeche Mode zu generieren und das Ergebnis haut mich doch ziemlich aus den Schuhen. Das ist krass.

Disclaimer: I mean absolutely no disrespect to Depeche Mode or DM fans. I’ve been a huge fan of the band since the 80’s – have all their albums as vinyls and cds, seen them in concert many times etc. I simply wanted to share the results of what Udio can do because I find AI fascinating. It goes without saying that – nothing – can replace the original band and their talent. Not even AI.

Since I’ve had a lot of questions, here is some additional info:

a. The prompt I used was „Depeche Mode“. Udio replaced it with the following 6 prompts for the parts needed to create this song:
1. Male vocalist, Electronic, Synthpop, Rock, Alternative rock, Dark, Rhythmic, Melodic, Atmospheric, Nocturnal, Alternative dance, Mechanical, Passionate, Cold, Longing, Sombre
2. Ditto
3. Ditto
4. Instrumental, Instrumental, Electronic, Synthpop, Rock, Alternative rock, Dark, Rhythmic, Melodic, Atmospheric, Nocturnal, Alternative dance, Mechanical, Passionate, Cold, Longing, Sombre
5. Instrumental, Instrumental, Instrumental, Electronic, Synthpop, Rock, Alternative rock, Dark, Rhythmic, Melodic, Atmospheric, Nocturnal, Alternative dance, Mechanical, Passionate, Cold, Longing, Sombre
6. Instrumental, Instrumental, Instrumental, Instrumental, Electronic, Synthpop, Rock, Alternative rock, Dark, Rhythmic, Melodic, Atmospheric, Nocturnal, Alternative dance

b. Lyrics were auto-generated by Udio. They’re kind of corny and instantly recognizable as AI lyrics, however for the purpose of an experiment, it’s kind of cool to document this moment in history before they become more sophisticated.


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