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Eine Liste aller Webcams, die Vulkane filmen

Ich wusste nicht, dass es so viele Webcams da draußen gibt, die einzig dazu genutzt werden, Vulkane bei dem zu filmen, was Vulkane eben so tun. WIRED hat eine nicht unbeeindruckende Liste all dieser Webcams zusammengestellt.

NEVER IN THE history of volcanology have so many volcanoes been monitored. We have the ability to sit and watch hundreds of volcanoes as they sleep, rumble or erupt — all from the comfort of our homes or offices. This instant connectivity to volcanoes in some of the most remote parts of the world is what gives us the impression that there are more volcanic eruptions today than in the past. There really aren’t more, but rather we hear about or see the eruptions much faster. With the network of webcams and the peering eyes of satellites, almost no volcano can erupt on the planet and we not notice. So, fear not, volcanism isn’t on the rise but our ability to see the action live is.

(via BoingBoing)

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