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Heißluftballon verliert Feuerwerk über Festivalbesucher, wo es explodiert

In Myanmar hat vor zwei Tagen während eines Festivals ein mit Feuerwerk beladener Heißluftballon seine Ladung verloren, die dann zwischen den Besuchern explodiert ist. Dabei gab es neun Verletzte. Aua.

Nine people were injured after a hot-air balloon stuffed with fireworks exploded during a festival in Myanmar on Wednesday.

Video filmed by a witness shows the balloon gently ascending to the skies while fireworks gently spray out from its sides.

As the ascent picks up however, fireworks are seen shooting out in all directions and towards the crowd gathered to take in the Tazaungdaing Festival of Lights.

The balloon, which was packed with 18 kilograms of explosives, eventually fell on the festival grounds from a height of over 90 metres, a festival organizer told BBC Burmese. Two people were hospitalized.


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