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Mann filmt sich seit 35 Jahren jährlich und macht daraus ein Video bis ins Jahr 1977

Sam Klemke hat 1977 damit begonnen, sein Leben auf Video zu dokumentieren. Im Jahr 2011 veröffentlichte er auf YouTube einen Clip, in dem er aus all den Jahren einen Gruß schickte. 2015 entstand auf dieser Grundlage der Film Sam Klemke’s Time Machine, den es on Demand bei Vimeo gibt.

In 1977, Sam Klemke started obsessively documenting his entire life on film. Beginning decades before the modern obsession with selfies and status updates, we see Sam grow from an optimistic teen to a self-important 20 year old, into an obese, self-loathing 30-something and onwards into his philosophical 50s. The same year that Sam began his project, NASA launched the Voyager craft into deep space carrying the Golden Record, a portrait of humanity that would try to explain to extra terrestrials who we are.

From director Matthew Bate (Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure), Sam Klemke’s Time Machine follows two unique self-portraits as they travel in parallel – one hurtling through the infinity of space and the other stuck in the suburbs of Earth – in a freewheeling look at time, memory, mortality and what it means to be human.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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