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Das Kraftfuttermischwerk Beiträge

Visitenkarte mit spielbarem Stylophone

Der Erfinder, Künstler und Musiker Tim Alex aka mitxela hatte vor geraumer Zeit das Bedürfnis nach neuen Visitenkarten und wollte offenbar welche, wie sie nicht jeder verteilt. So erfand er eine Visitenkarte, die mit kleinem Stylophone daherkommt und auch spielbar ist. Er dürfte wohl er erste sein, der solche Visitenkarten weitergibt. Ich würde ihm eine abnehmen.

Printed Circuit Boards as a business card are a great gimmick. I’d seen ones with USB ports etched into them, which enumerate as a keyboard and then type a person’s name or load up their website. It’s just about possible to build them cheap enough to hand out as a business card, at least if you’re picky about who you give them to.

A couple of years ago I took a stab at making one for myself, but I didn’t want it to be pointless. I wanted it to do something useful! Or at least entertain someone for longer than a few seconds. I can’t remember quite how I got the idea of making a MIDI-stylophone, but the idea was perfect. A working midi controller, that’s unique enough in its playing characteristic to potentially give some value, while at the same time costing no more than the card would have done otherwise, since the keyboard is just a plated area on the PCB, as is true on the original stylophone.

(Direktlink, via reddit)

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Wie bunte Streusel gemacht werden

Schon 100fach benutzt und nie darüber nachgedacht, wie die kleinen Zuckerstreusel gemacht werden? So:

Rainbow cake sprinkles have been around since the late 18th century, when French candy chefs used them as decorations. Today, liquid food coloring, shortening, and sugar are mixed in hot water to form the sprinkle’s colorful dough. Long strands of the dough are broken into the tiny shapes we see on cakes, doughnuts, cookies, and ice cream.

(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)

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Es kommt ein Game, das das Leben einer Biene simuliert

Und ich glaube, ich möchte es haben. Hier der Gamescom-Trailer zu Bee Simulator. Ab Herbst 2018 für PC, Xbox One, PS4 und Nintendo Switch.

Bee Simulator is coming to PC, Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch!
See the world through the eyes of a bee! Compete with other bees in races, collect pollen, perform waggle dances, and explore a world inspired by Central Park in New York. Play it with your family or friends, choosing between three modes, including co-op and vs. split-screen.


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Mark Rober hat für seine Neffen und Nichten einen Steinflitschroboter gebaut, der – natürlich – perfekt Steine flitschen kann.

Summary: I built a rock skipping robot with the help of my nieces and nephews to understand the perfect way to skip a rock. In the end we learned that 4 things matter most:

1) Rock angle of 20 degrees
2) Rock PATH angle of 20 degrees
3) Spin the rock as much as possible
4) Choose a rock that is flat on the bottom and as heavy as possible for you to still get to your max arm speed.

(Direktlink, via Likecool)

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Brand legt Landmarkierung aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg frei

Ein Feuer in der irischen Grafschaft Wicklow hat auf Bray Head eine gut erhaltene Landmarkierung aus dem zweiten Weltkrieg freigelegt.

„The signs were built by the Coast Watching Service by the summer of 1944 to warn „belligerent“ aircraft that they were flying over a neutral country. Up to 150 tons of stone were used in some of the 83 signs dotted around the coast of Ireland. At the request of the United States air force the number of the nearby lookout post was added, turning the signs into air navigation aids. This assisted American bomber pilots in navigating across the Atlantic.“

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Aphex Twin kommt mit neuer EP

Nach dem Erscheinen der Aphex Twin-Logos in London, Turin, New York, Tokio und Los Angeles hat Warp Records nun auf gewohnt kryptische Weise eine neue EP des Künstlers angekündigt.

Wann genau die erscheint, ist noch unklar, bei Resident Advisor geht man davon aus, dass der erste Track heute Abend auf Adult Swim Premiere haben wird.

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