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Das Kraftfuttermischwerk Beiträge

This is Hexagon Sun: A Video on Boards of Canada

Sonntag. Bester Zeitpunkt für eine Reise mit Boards of Canada. Unamusedpirate hat ihnen diesen 80-minütigen Film gewidmet und mit ihrem unvergleichbaren Sound unterlegt. Klasse Arbeit, finde ich.

I seem to have inadvertently made an almost feature length video on the Scottish Electronic band „Boards of Canada“. There are very few things I am passionate about to the level that I am about this musical duo. I’ve always wanted to make a long video outlining their discography and style, and now I’ve done it. The amount of time I’ve spent checking every word and cut in this thing is now beyond my comprehension, so if any mistakes remain I can only say I apologize. Factual inaccuracies are also something I’ve relentlessly checked and monitored, I can honestly say if any remain I had zero idea they weren’t accurate. I’m not in any way a professional in any field related to the making of this video, it was mainly an experiment for myself, to see if I could do it, and I feel proud of it at this point.

This video was started in 2017 and initially finished and rendered around November/December 2019, so anything new from Boards of Canada after that point, isn’t accounted for in this video. It took me a while to actually decide to upload it. That should explain why some „as of“ phrases are out of date or inconsistent.

This video features no audio that isn’t in some way related to Boards of Canada; no voice over, no adverts. It is not monetized in any way and I will not make any money at all from this video, nor do I intend to. Everything related to Boards of Canada is owned by Warp Records, Skam Music, or Music70.

(via Paco)

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Thievery Corporation ~ Strictly Reggae Dub Tribute

Freitag ist ein verdammt guter Tag, um mit einer Priese Thievery Corporation ins Wochenende zu gleiten. Hier in Selektion und als Tribute-Mix von BoomStyler.

(via Soulguru)

The Outernationalist ft Ras Pidow (Rewound)
Wax Poetic ft Norah Jones – Angels (TC remix)
Originality ft Sister Nancy
Black Uhuru – Boof n’ Baff n’ Biff (TC Reconstruction)
Radio Retaliation ft Sleepy Wonder
Amerimacka – (TC remix)
Amerimacka ft Notch
The Wailers – Get Up Stand Up (TC remix)
Anoushka Shankar – Beloved (TC remix)
Until the Morning ft Emiliana Torrini – (Rewound)
Treasures ft Brother Jack
Stargazer ft Sleepy Wonder
State of The Union ft Sleepy Wonder & Shinehead

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Bussard kickt Drohne aus der Luft

Und mal wieder eine Drohne, die einem Tier zu nahe kommt, woraufhin, in diesem Fall ein Bussard, die Drohne aus der Luft zum Boden bringt.

„I was flying my drone in my backyard, when I noticed a large bird in a nearby tree watching intently. I flew over to find the bird with the drone to get a closer look, and the bird took off and knocked it out of the sky. After viewing the footage, it looks like the bird was a red tailed hawk.“

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10.000 Enten „säubern“ ein Reisfeld

Ich hatte hier vor Jahren mal einen Bericht, der zeigte, das Enten dafür eingesetzt werden, Weinreben von Schädlingen wie Schnecken zu befreien. Dieser Farmer aus Thailand nutzt seine Enten und die selbe Methode dafür, ein Reisfeld nach der Ernte zu „säubern“. Hier gefilmt mit einer Drohne: eine Armee aus Enten.

After the rice crop was harvested on a farm in Nakhon Pathom province in Thailand, a flock of around 10,000 ducks was released from a pen – and instinctively streamed towards the flooded fields to devour pests such as snails hiding in the rice stubble. Drone footage, capturing the spectacle that resembles naturally-occurring animal migration, shows the birds zig-zagging across the fields as they headed towards the nutrient-rich rice paddies.

(via BoingBoing)

Und hier mit anderem Sound. Hihi.

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