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Schlagwort: AI

Ein sich selbst in den Schlummermodus schaltender Wecker

Warum sollten wir in Zeiten, in denen uns KI soviel abnimmt, auch noch selber den Schlummermodus eines Weckers aktivieren?

Nico Rahardian Tangara:

In the world of automation and artificial intelligence, why should the day start with something as inconvenient as being rudely awoken just to hit the snooze button?

This self-snoozing alarm clock is a critical art about the culture of convenience. An alarm clock that’s design to snooze itself, using the blend of analog and digital tech.

Made using Raspberry Pi 2, it connects with a servo that triggers when the alarm is on.

The hand will come out and Snooze the alarm clock manually, hitting the snoozing button which then activate the program, making it running indefinitely.

(Direktlink, via Designboom)

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Kurzfilm: The Beatles – Now And Then – The Last Beatles Song

Weil es Popgeschichte ist. Und weil es der (vielleicht) wirklich letzte Beatles-Song ist, der nach so vielen Jahren dank KI und Yoko Ono fertiggestellt wurde, so dass das Buch der Beatles zu Ende geschrieben wurde.

Now and Then’s eventful journey to fruition took place over five decades and is the product of conversations and collaborations between the four Beatles that go on to this day. The long mythologised John Lennon demo was first worked on in February 1995 by Paul, George and Ringo as part of The Beatles Anthology project but it remained unfinished, partly because of the impossible technological challenges involved in working with the vocal John had recorded on tape in the 1970s. For years it looked like the song could never be completed. But in 2022 there was a stroke of serendipity. A software system developed by Peter Jackson and his team, used throughout the production of the documentary series Get Back, finally opened the way for the uncoupling of John’s vocal from his piano part. As a result, the original recording could be brought to life and worked on anew with contributions from all four Beatles. This remarkable story of musical archaeology reflects The Beatles’ endless creative curiosity and shared fascination with technology. It marks the completion of the last recording that John, Paul and George and Ringo will get to make together and celebrates the legacy of the foremost and most influential band in popular music history.



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KI lernt, einen 100-Meter-Sprint zu laufen

Aller Anfang ist schwer, aber irgendwann läuft es dann. Irgendwie. Und unterhaltsam ist das allemal.

In this video 5 AI agents compete to learn how to run 100m the fastest. The AI were trained using Deep Reinforcement Learning, a method of Machine Learning which involves rewarding the agent for doing something correctly, and punishing it for doing anything incorrectly. Each agent’s actions are controlled by a Neural Network that’s updated after each attempt in order to try to give the agents more rewards and less punishments over time. Check the pinned comment for more information on how the AI was trained!

(Direktlink, via The Awesomer)

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Facebooks KI-generierte Sticker zeigen Marx mit Brüsten und (Wa)Luigi mit Maschinengewehr

Facebook testet unter einigen Usern gerade den Einsatz von KI-generierten Stickern. So gibt man per Text dann an, welchen kuriosen Sticker man gerade verwenden will und die KI produziert diesen dann.

Powered by Meta’s Llama 2 large language model — the company’s ChatGPT rival — AI-generated stickers allow users to create „multiple unique, high-quality stickers in seconds“ using text-based prompts. AI-generated stickers are currently rolling out to „select English language users“ for Facebook Stories, Instagram Stories and DMs, Messenger, and WhatsApp over this month, so it’s unclear how many users currently have access to the feature.

Was kann da schon schief gehen?

(via BoingBoing)

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