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Schlagwort: Animals

Dreiaugige Schlange

Gepostet von Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife am Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2019

In Australien haben sie neulich eine Schlange gefunden, die drei funktionstüchtige Augen hatte. Mittlerweile ist das Jungtier verstorben. Drei Augen hatte es trotzdem.

Our Rangers found a three-eyed snake on the Arnhem Highway near Humpty Doo just out of Darwin. It was a juvenile, approximately 40cm long.

The snake is peculiar as an x-ray revealed it was not two separate heads forged together, rather it appeared to be one skull with an additional eye socket and three functioning eyes.

It was generally agreed that the eye likely developed very early during the embryonic stage of development. It is extremely unlikely that this is from environmental factors and is almost certainly a natural occurrence as malformed reptiles are relatively common.

Gepostet von Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife am Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2019

Gepostet von Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife am Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2019

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Wissenschaftler finden Kokain in Shrimps

(Symbolfoto: • magdus)

In England haben Wissenschaftler in der Grafschaft Suffolk in Flüssen an 15 unterschiedlichen Stellen Süßwassergarnelen auf verschiedene Rückstände getestet. In allen Proben fanden sie Spuren von Kokain. Aber auch auch Ketamin, andere Arzneimittel und diverse Pestizide. Die Rückstände sind so gering, dass sie wohl keine Auswirkungen auf die Tiere haben. Über den Umgang mit Pestiziden und Medikamentenrückständen sollte trotzdem noch mal genauer nachgedacht werden.

Researchers at King’s College London, in collaboration with the University of Suffolk, tested 15 different locations across Suffolk.

Their report said cocaine was found in all samples tested. Other illicit drugs, such as ketamine, were also widespread in the shrimp.

The researchers said it was a „surprising“ finding.

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