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Schlagwort: Animals

Röntgenaufnahmen von fliegenden Fledermäusen in SloMo

Faszinierende Röntgenaufnahmen aus der BBC-Serie Inside the Bat Cave zeigen drei verschiedene Fledermausarten während ihres Fluges in Zeitlupe. Geistartig.

A remarkable journey into the secret world of one of the most endangered and least understood animals on earth – bats. With cutting-edge night-vision cameras and ultrasonic detectors, this programme follows a greater horseshoe bat roost for four months during the summer of 2019, capturing the hidden life of the colony as never before. Witness the birth of a new generation of pups and follow their progress towards their perilous maiden flight outside the roost.

(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)

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Kängurus im Schnee

A motorist witnessed an unusual sight while traveling in rural Curraweela, New South Wales, on August 10 2019: a large group of kangaroos bounding through the snow.

Stephen Grenfell captured this video and posted it to Twitter with the caption: “Not something you see every day in Australia”.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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Wie klingt eigentlich ein Biberbaby?

In etwa so – und das ist sehr, sehr knuffig.

This baby beaver is named Muff and he is a rescue. My mother and I run a wildlife rehab. This little beaver was found orphaned, cold, and floating down a rushing river by some friendly kayakers who decided to bring him to us. We brought him back to full health and we have had him for a couple of months now. Beavers require at least 2 years of rehab, so we’ll have him for a while. Beavers also are very vocal when they are with their parents. This video is of the beaver making little noises that sound similar to a human baby. He is not in danger or scared, just simply making little noises, as they do.


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