A video unboxing and demonstration posted by one Chinese McDonald’s fan shows crisp shots of nugget-Tetris and its unlit LCD screen, as well as the included customization stickers and carrying case. Another unboxing video includes a better look at the back of the machine, including a removable battery pack, speaker grate, and power switch.
Das ist nicht nur handwerklich schwer beeindruckend sondern zu dem auch noch oddly satisfying. Wow.
Yixing clay teapots, also called Zisha teapot, are made from Yixing clay. This traditional style commonly used to brew tea originated in China, dating back to the 15th century, and are made from clay produced near Yixing in the eastern Chinese province of Jiangsu.
Yixing clay teapots are made from Yixing clay. This traditional style originated in China, dating back to the 15th century, and are made from clay produced near Yixing in the eastern Chinese province of Jiangsu
An einer chinesischen Uni wurde ein Device erfunden, das quasi Küsse über die übertragen soll. Gemacht für Fernbeziehungen dürfte es auch auf kürzere Entfernungen funktionieren, so denn man den Silikon knutschen mag, was sowohl für Sender*innen als auch für Empfänger*innen gilt. The future is now. CNN hat sich das Ding genauer angesehen – und eigentlich wollte ich nur das GIF dazu.
Letzten Monat hat eine Kamera eines Teleskops auf dem Mauna Kea, dem höchstem Berg Hawaiis eine Wand aus grünen Lasern eingefangen die sichtbar über den Himmel schossen. Matrix like. Nachdem man diese erst nicht genau zuordnen konnte, geht man mittlerweile davon aus, dass die Dinger von einem chinesischen Spionage-Satelliten kamen. Seitdem die von dort aus offenbar alles mögliche in die Luft schicken, redet kein Mensch mehr über UFOs. ;D
According to Dr. Martino, Anthony J., a NASA scientist working on ICESat-2 ATLAS, it is not by their instrument but by others. His colleagues, Dr. Alvaro Ivanoff et al., did a simulation of the trajectory of satellites that have a similar instrument and found a most likely candidate as the ACDL instrument by the Chinese Daqi-1/AEMS satellite. We really appreciate their efforts in the identification of the light. We are sorry about our confusion related to this event and its potential impact on the ICESat-2 team.
In China steuern sie mittlerweile offenbar Drohnen wie diese durch die Gegend, die in der Lage sind, bewaffnete Roboterhunde absetzen zu können. Zu welchem Zweck auch immer. Und vielleicht hat uns dieses fiese Sci-Fi mittlerweile einfach schon auch eingeholt. Wahrscheinlich gar. “Blood-Wing”.
Where did the video originally come from? Before hitting U.S.-based social media sites, the video was first uploaded to the verified Weibo page of China Kestrel Defence, which includes the English words “Blood-Wing” in the upper-right corner. As The Drive notes, it’s not clear what “Blood-Wing” is supposed to be in reference to, but it certainly gets your attention!
Blood-Wing, a Chinese defense contractor, demonstrates drone-deploying an armed robodog.