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The human eye webcam

Eine Webcam, die in einer animatronischen Skulptur eines menschlichen Auges steckt. Na wenn die Welt darauf nicht gewartet hat, weiß ich es jetzt auch nicht.

Webcams that are in front of us, looking at us, constantly. What if the webcam looked like a human eye ? We are familiar with the human eye, and a webcam and a human eye share a purpose: they „see.“ But in contrast to the webcam human eye are expressive. Human eyes can express happiness, anger, boredom or fatigue. They can look curious, distracted or focused. Eyecam is a prototype exploring the potential future design of sensing devices. Using the parallel with the human eye open up a whole new layer of interaction that hasn’t existed in technical artifacts before.

(Direktlink, via MeFi)

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