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Wenn man den Mond gegen andere Planeten tauscht

Ron Miller montiert in ein Bild, das den Mond zeigt sieben andere Planeten unseres Sonnensystems, die sich dann so zeigen, wenn sie die selbe Entfernung wie der Mond hätte.

„Space enthusiast, artist, and writer Ron Miller questions what the night sky would look like if the moon were replaced by one of our solar system’s planets. His collection of manipulated images station planets, from the relatively minute Mercury to the enormous Jupiter, in place of Earth’s moon. The simulated photos take into account the distance of the moon from Earth (approximately 240,000 miles) and re-imagine the natural satellite as its own celestial body.

Miller’s series presents a normal view of the moon in the night sky accompanied by seven additional images, each featuring a different planet. In his creative quest to mimic each spectacular vision in all their glory, Miller bends his scientific reasoning of atmospheric composition and allows each of the planets to retain its chemical makeup and lustrous color. Regarding the gaseous planet Venus, the artist says, „We’re pretending, of course, that Venus would still have the same atmospheric conditions if it were in essentially the same orbit as the Earth.“

Ich mag den Jupiter an Stelle des Mondes.

Ein Kommentar

  1. Sparwitz3. April 2013 at 22:00

    hätten wir den jupiter anstelle des mondes, wären wir schon längst im jupiter! :D …. wobei im kleinen betrachtet hätte das schon was.

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