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ESA x LEGO Weltraumsteine

Inspiriert von LEGO haben ESA-Wissenschaftler aus Meteoritenstaub 3D-gedruckte „Weltraumbausteine“ im LEGO-Stil hergestellt, um Konstruktionsideen für eine zukünftige Mondbasis zu testen. Die Weltraumbausteine ​​der ESA sind vom 20. Juni bis 20. September in ausgewählten LEGO Stores zu sehen und sollen die nächste Generation von Weltraumingenieuren inspirieren. Eine Mondbasis aus Lego. Warum denn nicht?

(Direktlink, via Yanko Design)

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The Sun’s fluffy corona in exquisite detail


This otherworldly, ever-changing landscape is what the Sun looks like up close. ESA’s Solar Orbiter filmed the transition from the Sun’s lower atmosphere to the much hotter outer corona. The hair-like structures are made of charged gas (plasma), following magnetic field lines emerging from the Sun’s interior.

The brightest regions are around one million degrees Celsius, while cooler material looks dark as it absorbs radiation.

This video was recorded on 27 September 2023 by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) instrument on Solar Orbiter. At the time, the spacecraft was at roughly a third of the Earth’s distance from the Sun, heading for a closest approach of 43 million km on 7 October.

On the same day that this video was recorded, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe skimmed just 7.26 million km from the solar surface. Rather than directly imaging the Sun, Parker measures particles and the magnetic field in the Sun’s corona and in the solar wind. This was a perfect opportunity for the two missions to team up, with ESA-led Solar Orbiter’s remote-sensing instruments observing the source region of the solar wind that would subsequently flow past Parker Solar Probe.

Spot the moss, spicules, eruption and rain
Lower left corner: An intriguing feature visible throughout this movie is the bright gas that makes delicate, lace-like patterns across the Sun. This is called coronal ‘moss’. It usually appears around the base of large coronal loops that are too hot or too tenuous to be seen with the chosen instrument settings.

(Direktlink, via Colossal)

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Ein Weltraumfilm, der in einer Wohnung spielt

Caroline Klidonas hat einen Kurzfilm über eine zum Scheitern verurteilte Weltraummission gedreht, ohne dafür ihre Wohnung zu verlassen. Low-Budget-, Low-Gravity-Effekte und Carolines Engagement für die Sache.

Can this crew save their doomed mission…without sacrificing each other? 👩‍🚀 A parody of a Sci-Fi Space Drama created ONLY with what I have in and around my apartment.

(Direktlink, via The Awesomer)

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2024 Total Solar Eclipse: Through the Eyes of NASA

Wenn ihr drei Stunden Zeit habt und die Sonnenfinsternis von vorgestern von verschiedenen Standpunkten aus in Echtzeit und von ganz nahem sehen wollt; bitte schön.

Watch a telescope feed of a total solar eclipse moving across North America on April 8, 2024, traveling through Mexico, across the United States from Texas to Maine, and exiting North America along Canada’s coast. Weather permitting, we will provide live views of the eclipse from several locations across the eclipse path, including showing the partially eclipsed Sun in different wavelengths of light.

A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth and briefly covers the full disk of the Sun. This reveals the Sun’s wispy, white outer atmosphere, called the corona. Weather permitting, people throughout most of North and Central America, including all of the contiguous United States, will be able to view at least a partial solar eclipse.

(Direktlink, via TKSST)

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Größenvergleich des Universums: Cosmic Eye

Ein heraus zoomender Blick auf das Auge einer Frau durch ein kosmisches Auge. Wie klitzeklein wir doch sind.

This is the original landscape-format version of the short movie Cosmic Eye, designed by astrophysicist Danail Obreschkow. The movie zooms through all well-known scales of the universe from minuscule elementary particles out to the gigantic cosmic web. This project was inspired by a progression of increasingly accurate graphical representations of the scales of the universe, including the classical essay “Cosmic View” by Kees Boeke (1957), the short movie “Cosmic Zoom” by Eva Szasz (1968), and the legendary movie “Powers of Ten” by Charles and Ray Eames (1977). Cosmic Eye takes these historical visualisations to the state-of-the-art using real photographs obtained with modern detectors, telescopes, and microscopes. Other views are renderings of modern computer models. Vector-based blending techniques are used to create a seamless zoom.

(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)

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Mars in 4K: The Ultimate Edition

Noch detaillierter dürfte es den Mars derzeit wohl kaum zu sehen geben. Quasi ein Kurzurlaub im All.

Mars in 4K – The Ultimate Edition. The best images of Mars in stunning 4k 60fps.

“Mars in 4K: The Ultimate Edition” presents an unprecedented visual exploration of Mars, enriched by the groundbreaking missions of NASA’s Mars rovers. This video, with its stunning 4K resolution, offers a journey across the Martian landscape, revealing the planet’s beauty and scientific wonders.

(Direktlink, via Kottke)

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Eine aufblasbare Raumstation zum Implodieren bringen

Bei Sierra Space hilft man bei der Entwicklung einer ersten kommerziellen Raumstation. Im Rahmen ihres Testprogramms setzten sie ihrer aufblasbaren Raumstation in Originalgröße einem Überdruck aus, um zu messen, wie viel Druck ihn zum Platzen bringen würde. Der “Ballon” bestand den Test mit Bravour und übertraf die Sicherheitsstandards der NASA um 27 %. Der große Boom findet um etwa 5:50 Uhr statt. Ich weiß dennoch nicht, ob ich da oben in so einem aufgeblasenen Dingen rumhängen wollen würde.

(Direktlink, via The Awesomer)

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