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wieder da;-)


so wieder da und halbwegs erholt…

heute abend gehts zu sub.collect. ins waschhaus. da gibt es frischen sound von saint (i) bot und zwar loud. der tobi. spielt da nämlich…
das publikum wird hoffentlich erträglich?!?

2 Kommentare

  1. Anonymous8. Oktober 2005 at 11:58

    VeriSign Tackles the Scandal of Splog
    By Lisa Vaas October 7, 2005 News Analysis: VeriSign’s buy of the Weblogs.com ping server aims to fix the sagging springs of the blogosphere, which is getting crushed beneath blog spam.
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  2. Anonymous8. Oktober 2005 at 12:03

    Posted by Stowe Boyd How had completely missed the emergence of this term? [from Splog – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ] Spam blogs, sometimes referred to by the Neologism splogs, are Web Log sites which the …
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