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Sechs Bilder aus einem Würfel: Emergence Lab

Ich verstehe, ehrlich gesagt, nicht wirklich wie genau das gemacht wurde, finde das Emergence Lab von Thomas Medicus aber dennoch sehr abgefahren.

The “Emergence Lab” is a hand painted anamorphic sculpture.
Its title refers to a phenomenon called emergence.
Through a plug system made out of 216 laser cut acrylic glass strips, a cubic framework, which contains layers pointing towards all three spatial dimensions, is created.
On each side of the cube there is one anamorphic painting that can always only be seen from one point. Since every figure fills the exact same surface as its counterpart on the opposite side, the rear image is covered while looking at one figure.
Before painting the fragments of the images separately on the strips with acrylic paint, the segmentation has been planned entirely. In order to prevent irritating reflections within the strips, the sculpture floats in silicone oil.

(Direktlink, via Max)

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